Saturday, March 20, 2010

Getting back into the swing of things.


He hadn’t understood why she was so upset.
After twenty years of marriage he said
their sex life was getting stale.
Lots of couples did it.
Swinging was the thing he’d said.
She smiled contentedly
as his body swung in the tree.
Swinging wasn’t her cup of tea
but it was just what he deserved.


Travis Cody said...

I'm glad you used a little of that precious free time for the blog. That poem is a riot.

cathy said...

thanks Trav. I deleted the first part of the post, it was boring and I'm not in a smiting mood today, LOL.

Elaine Denning said...

Perfectly fitting for one so undeserving of his wife :)

Akelamalu said...

Quite right too! ;)

val said...

Can I watch?

cathy said...

Ladies, we're a lynch mob LOL.

Logophile said...

Count me in your mob.

puerileuwaite said...

I just want you to know that I would treasure you to the point that no one else would be allowed to see you.

cathy said...

Logo - I wouldn't dream of holding a lynching without you, LOL.

Pug - You certainly know how to give a girl the creeps! ( it's a good job I am familiar with your brand of humour :)

Hale McKay said...

Yikes! That ending caught me off guard.

But I liked it - irony at its best - and in verse!

Michael said...

I almost expected that to end with "she smiled" =)

(Fix the link to my blog too please)

Schmoop said...

I can safely say I'd swing with ya, but then again, I live in the States so there is little possibility of that happening. Cheers Cathy!!

Jocelyn said...

This is my favorite bit of skewering (er, lynching) yet. What an asswipe he is.

lime said...

bwahahaha, i love it! deliciously wicked.

cathy said...


Although I often use this blog to vent about my own situation this particular post is fictional. Thanks for the concern and support anyway :)

Dana Barnett said...

Hiya Kathy,This is Dana,long time no write...I used to write you back in 07..Well i have added a few new pics to my blog and i am going to add more poetry and rants as well,Just stoped in to see how you were and to say hello...